Source code for py_discovery._info

The PythonInfo contains information about a concrete instance of a Python interpreter.

Note: this file is also used to query target interpreters, so can only use standard library methods

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
import sysconfig
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
from random import choice
from shlex import quote
from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase, digits
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterator, Mapping, MutableMapping

    from py_discovery import PythonSpec


def fs_is_case_sensitive() -> bool:
    global _FS_CASE_SENSITIVE  # noqa: PLW0603

    if _FS_CASE_SENSITIVE is None:
        with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="TmP") as tmp_file:
            _FS_CASE_SENSITIVE = not os.path.exists(  # noqa: PTH110
            logging.debug("filesystem is %scase-sensitive", "" if _FS_CASE_SENSITIVE else "not ")

VersionInfo = namedtuple("VersionInfo", ["major", "minor", "micro", "releaselevel", "serial"])  # noqa: PYI024

def _get_path_extensions() -> list[str]:
    return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(["", *os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").lower().split(os.pathsep)]))

EXTENSIONS = _get_path_extensions()
_CONF_VAR_RE = re.compile(r"\{\w+\}")

[docs]class PythonInfo: """Contains information for a Python interpreter.""" def __init__(self) -> None: def abs_path(v: str | None) -> str | None: # unroll relative elements from path (e.g. ..) return None if v is None else os.path.abspath(v) # noqa: PTH100 # qualifies the python self.platform = sys.platform self.implementation = platform.python_implementation() self.pypy_version_info = ( tuple(sys.pypy_version_info) # type: ignore[attr-defined] if self.implementation == "PyPy" else None ) # this is a tuple in earlier, struct later, unify to our own named tuple self.version_info = VersionInfo(*sys.version_info) self.architecture = 64 if sys.maxsize > 2**32 else 32 # Used to determine some file names - see `CPython3Windows.python_zip()`. self.version_nodot = sysconfig.get_config_var("py_version_nodot") self.version = sys.version self.os = # information about the prefix - determines python home self.prefix = abs_path(getattr(sys, "prefix", None)) # prefix we think self.base_prefix = abs_path(getattr(sys, "base_prefix", None)) # venv self.real_prefix = abs_path(getattr(sys, "real_prefix", None)) # old virtualenv # information about the exec prefix - dynamic stdlib modules self.base_exec_prefix = abs_path(getattr(sys, "base_exec_prefix", None)) self.exec_prefix = abs_path(getattr(sys, "exec_prefix", None)) self.executable = abs_path(sys.executable) # the executable we were invoked via self.original_executable = abs_path(self.executable) # the executable as known by the interpreter self.system_executable = self._fast_get_system_executable() # the executable we are based of (if available) try: __import__("venv") has = True except ImportError: has = False self.has_venv = has self.path = sys.path self.file_system_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() self.stdout_encoding = getattr(sys.stdout, "encoding", None) scheme_names = sysconfig.get_scheme_names() if "venv" in scheme_names: self.sysconfig_scheme = "venv" self.sysconfig_paths = { i: sysconfig.get_path(i, expand=False, scheme=self.sysconfig_scheme) for i in sysconfig.get_path_names() } # we cannot use distutils at all if "venv" exists, distutils don't know it self.distutils_install = {} # debian / ubuntu python 3.10 without `python3-distutils` will report # mangled `local/bin` / etc. names for the default prefix # intentionally select `posix_prefix` which is the unaltered posix-like paths elif sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 10) and "deb_system" in scheme_names: self.sysconfig_scheme: str | None = "posix_prefix" self.sysconfig_paths = { i: sysconfig.get_path(i, expand=False, scheme=self.sysconfig_scheme) for i in sysconfig.get_path_names() } # we cannot use distutils at all if "venv" exists, distutils don't know it self.distutils_install = {} else: self.sysconfig_scheme = None # type: ignore[assignment] self.sysconfig_paths = {i: sysconfig.get_path(i, expand=False) for i in sysconfig.get_path_names()} self.distutils_install = self._distutils_install().copy() # makefile = getattr(sysconfig, "get_makefile_filename", getattr(sysconfig, "_get_makefile_filename", None)) # a list of content to store from sysconfig self.sysconfig = { k: v for k, v in ([("makefile_filename", makefile())] if makefile is not None else []) if k is not None } config_var_keys = set() for element in self.sysconfig_paths.values(): for k in _CONF_VAR_RE.findall(element): config_var_keys.add(k[1:-1]) config_var_keys.add("PYTHONFRAMEWORK") self.sysconfig_vars = {i: sysconfig.get_config_var(i or "") for i in config_var_keys} confs = { k: (self.system_prefix if v is not None and v.startswith(self.prefix) else v) for k, v in self.sysconfig_vars.items() } self.system_stdlib = self.sysconfig_path("stdlib", confs) self.system_stdlib_platform = self.sysconfig_path("platstdlib", confs) self.max_size = getattr(sys, "maxsize", getattr(sys, "maxint", None)) self._creators = None def _fast_get_system_executable(self) -> str | None: """Try to get the system executable by just looking at properties.""" # if this is a virtual environment if self.real_prefix or self.base_prefix is not None and self.base_prefix != self.prefix: if self.real_prefix is None: # some platforms may set this to help us base_executable: str | None = getattr(sys, "_base_executable", None) if base_executable is not None: # noqa: SIM102 # use the saved system executable if present if sys.executable != base_executable: # we know we're in a virtual environment, cannot be us if os.path.exists(base_executable): # noqa: PTH110 return base_executable # Python may return "python" because it was invoked from the POSIX virtual environment; but some # installs/distributions do not provide a version-less python binary in the system install # location (see PEP 394) so try to fall back to a versioned binary. # # Gate this to Python 3.11 as `sys._base_executable` path resolution is now relative to # the home key from `pyvenv.cfg`, which often points to the system installs location. major, minor = self.version_info.major, self.version_info.minor if self.os == "posix" and (major, minor) >= (3, 11): # search relative to the directory of sys._base_executable base_dir = os.path.dirname(base_executable) # noqa: PTH120 versions = (f"python{major}", f"python{major}.{minor}") for base_executable in [os.path.join(base_dir, exe) for exe in versions]: # noqa: PTH118 if os.path.exists(base_executable): # noqa: PTH110 return base_executable return None # in this case, we just can't tell easily without poking around FS and calling them, bail # if we're not in a virtual environment, this is already a system python, so return the original executable # note we must choose the original and not the pure executable as shim scripts might throw us off return self.original_executable
[docs] def install_path(self, key: str) -> str: result = self.distutils_install.get(key) if result is None: # use sysconfig if sysconfig_scheme is set or distutils is unavailable # set prefixes to empty => result is relative from cwd prefixes = self.prefix, self.exec_prefix, self.base_prefix, self.base_exec_prefix config_var = {k: "" if v in prefixes else v for k, v in self.sysconfig_vars.items()} result = self.sysconfig_path(key, config_var=config_var).lstrip(os.sep) return result
@staticmethod def _distutils_install() -> dict[str, str]: # use distutils primarily because that's what pip does # # note here we don't import Distribution directly to allow setuptools to patch it with warnings.catch_warnings(): # disable warning for PEP-632 warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: from distutils import dist from distutils.command.install import SCHEME_KEYS except ImportError: # if removed or not installed ignore return {} d = dist.Distribution({"script_args": "--no-user-cfg"}) # conf files not parsed so they do not hijack paths if hasattr(sys, "_framework"): sys._framework = None # disable macOS static paths for framework # noqa: SLF001 with warnings.catch_warnings(): # disable warning for PEP-632 warnings.simplefilter("ignore") i = d.get_command_obj("install", create=True) assert i is not None # noqa: S101 # paths generated are relative to prefix that contains the path sep, this makes it relative i.prefix = os.sep # type: ignore[attr-defined] i.finalize_options() return {key: (getattr(i, f"install_{key}")[1:]).lstrip(os.sep) for key in SCHEME_KEYS} @property def version_str(self) -> str: return ".".join(str(i) for i in self.version_info[0:3]) @property def version_release_str(self) -> str: return ".".join(str(i) for i in self.version_info[0:2]) @property def python_name(self) -> str: version_info = self.version_info return f"python{version_info.major}.{version_info.minor}" @property def is_old_virtualenv(self) -> bool: return self.real_prefix is not None @property def is_venv(self) -> bool: return self.base_prefix is not None
[docs] def sysconfig_path(self, key: str, config_var: dict[str, str] | None = None, sep: str = os.sep) -> str: pattern = self.sysconfig_paths[key] if config_var is None: config_var = self.sysconfig_vars else: base = self.sysconfig_vars.copy() base.update(config_var) config_var = base return pattern.format(**config_var).replace("/", sep)
@property def system_include(self) -> str: path = self.sysconfig_path( "include", { k: (self.system_prefix if v is not None and v.startswith(self.prefix) else v) for k, v in self.sysconfig_vars.items() }, ) if not os.path.exists(path) and self.prefix is not None: # noqa: PTH110 # some broken packaging doesn't respect the sysconfig, fallback to a distutils path # the pattern includes the distribution name too at the end, remove that via the parent call fallback = os.path.join(self.prefix, os.path.dirname(self.install_path("headers"))) # noqa: PTH118, PTH120 if os.path.exists(fallback): # noqa: PTH110 path = fallback return path @property def system_prefix(self) -> str: res = self.real_prefix or self.base_prefix or self.prefix assert res is not None # noqa: S101 return res @property def system_exec_prefix(self) -> str: res = self.real_prefix or self.base_exec_prefix or self.exec_prefix assert res is not None # noqa: S101 return res def __unicode__(self) -> str: return repr(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}({!r})".format( self.__class__.__name__, {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("_")}, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return "{}({})".format( self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join( f"{k}={v}" for k, v in ( ("spec", self.spec), ( "system" if self.system_executable is not None and self.system_executable != self.executable else None, self.system_executable, ), ( "original" if self.original_executable not in {self.system_executable, self.executable} else None, self.original_executable, ), ("exe", self.executable), ("platform", self.platform), ("version", repr(self.version)), ("encoding_fs_io", f"{self.file_system_encoding}-{self.stdout_encoding}"), ) if k is not None ), ) @property def spec(self) -> str: return "{}{}-{}".format(self.implementation, ".".join(str(i) for i in self.version_info), self.architecture)
[docs] def satisfies(self, spec: PythonSpec, impl_must_match: bool) -> bool: # noqa: C901, FBT001 """Check if a given specification can be satisfied by the python interpreter instance.""" if spec.path: if self.executable == os.path.abspath(spec.path): # noqa: PTH100 return True # if the path is a our own executable path we're done if not spec.is_abs: # if path set, and is not our original executable name, this does not match assert self.original_executable is not None # noqa: S101 basename = os.path.basename(self.original_executable) # noqa: PTH119 spec_path = spec.path if sys.platform == "win32": basename, suffix = os.path.splitext(basename) # noqa: PTH122 if spec_path.endswith(suffix): spec_path = spec_path[: -len(suffix)] if basename != spec_path: return False if ( impl_must_match and spec.implementation is not None and spec.implementation.lower() != self.implementation.lower() ): return False if spec.architecture is not None and spec.architecture != self.architecture: return False for our, req in zip(self.version_info[0:3], (spec.major, spec.minor, spec.micro)): if req is not None and our is not None and our != req: return False return True
_current_system = None _current = None
[docs] @classmethod def current(cls) -> PythonInfo: """ Locate the current host interpreter information. This might be different than what we run into in case the host python has been upgraded from underneath us. """ if cls._current is None: cls._current = cls.from_exe(sys.executable, raise_on_error=True, resolve_to_host=False) assert cls._current is not None # noqa: S101 return cls._current
[docs] @classmethod def current_system(cls) -> PythonInfo: """ Locate the current host interpreter information. This might be different than what we run into in case the host python has been upgraded from underneath us. """ if cls._current_system is None: cls._current_system = cls.from_exe(sys.executable, raise_on_error=True, resolve_to_host=True) assert cls._current_system is not None # noqa: S101 return cls._current_system
def _to_json(self) -> str: # don't save calculated paths, as these are non-primitive types return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def _to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: data = {var: (getattr(self, var) if var not in ("_creators",) else None) for var in vars(self)} data["version_info"] = data["version_info"]._asdict() # namedtuple to dictionary return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_exe( cls, exe: str, *, raise_on_error: bool = True, resolve_to_host: bool = True, env: MutableMapping[str, str] | None = None, ) -> PythonInfo | None: """Given a path to an executable, get the python information.""" # this method is not used by itself, so here and called functions can import stuff locally env = os.environ if env is None else env proposed = cls._from_exe(exe, env=env, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) if isinstance(proposed, PythonInfo) and resolve_to_host: try: proposed = proposed._resolve_to_system(proposed) # noqa: SLF001 except Exception as exception: # noqa: BLE001 if raise_on_error: raise"ignore %s due cannot resolve system due to %r", proposed.original_executable, exception) proposed = None return proposed
@classmethod def _from_exe( cls, exe: str, env: MutableMapping[str, str] | None = None, raise_on_error: bool = True, # noqa: FBT001, FBT002 ) -> PythonInfo | None: env = os.environ if env is None else env outcome = _run_subprocess(cls, exe, env) if isinstance(outcome, Exception): if raise_on_error: raise outcome"%s", outcome) return None outcome.executable = exe return outcome @classmethod def _from_json(cls, payload: str) -> PythonInfo: # the dictionary unroll here is to protect against pypy bug of interpreter crashing raw = json.loads(payload) return cls._from_dict(raw.copy()) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> PythonInfo: data["version_info"] = VersionInfo(**data["version_info"]) # restore this to a named tuple structure result = cls() result.__dict__ = data.copy() return result @classmethod def _resolve_to_system(cls, target: PythonInfo) -> PythonInfo: start_executable = target.executable prefixes: OrderedDict[str, PythonInfo] = OrderedDict() while target.system_executable is None: prefix = target.real_prefix or target.base_prefix or target.prefix assert prefix is not None # noqa: S101 if prefix in prefixes: if len(prefixes) == 1: # if we're linking back to ourselves, accept ourselves with a WARNING"%r links back to itself via prefixes", target) target.system_executable = target.executable break for at, (p, t) in enumerate(prefixes.items(), start=1): logging.error("%d: prefix=%s, info=%r", at, p, t) logging.error("%d: prefix=%s, info=%r", len(prefixes) + 1, prefix, target) msg = "prefixes are causing a circle {}".format("|".join(prefixes.keys())) raise RuntimeError(msg) prefixes[prefix] = target target = target.discover_exe(prefix=prefix, exact=False) if target.executable != target.system_executable and target.system_executable is not None: outcome = cls.from_exe(target.system_executable) if outcome is None: msg = "failed to resolve to system executable" raise RuntimeError(msg) target = outcome target.executable = start_executable return target _cache_exe_discovery: dict[tuple[str, bool], PythonInfo] = {} # noqa: RUF012
[docs] def discover_exe(self, prefix: str, exact: bool = True, env: MutableMapping[str, str] | None = None) -> PythonInfo: # noqa: FBT001, FBT002 key = prefix, exact if key in self._cache_exe_discovery and prefix: logging.debug("discover exe from cache %s - exact %s: %r", prefix, exact, self._cache_exe_discovery[key]) return self._cache_exe_discovery[key] logging.debug("discover exe for %s in %s", self, prefix) # we don't know explicitly here, do some guess work - our executable name should tell possible_names = self._find_possible_exe_names() possible_folders = self._find_possible_folders(prefix) discovered: list[PythonInfo] = [] not_none_env = os.environ if env is None else env for folder in possible_folders: for name in possible_names: info = self._check_exe(folder, name, exact, discovered, not_none_env) if info is not None: self._cache_exe_discovery[key] = info return info if exact is False and discovered: info = self._select_most_likely(discovered, self) folders = os.pathsep.join(possible_folders) self._cache_exe_discovery[key] = info logging.debug("no exact match found, chosen most similar of %s within base folders %s", info, folders) return info msg = "failed to detect {} in {}".format("|".join(possible_names), os.pathsep.join(possible_folders)) raise RuntimeError(msg)
def _check_exe( # noqa: PLR0913 self, folder: str, name: str, exact: bool, # noqa: FBT001 discovered: list[PythonInfo], env: MutableMapping[str, str], ) -> PythonInfo | None: exe_path = os.path.join(folder, name) # noqa: PTH118 if not os.path.exists(exe_path): # noqa: PTH110 return None info = self.from_exe(exe_path, resolve_to_host=False, raise_on_error=False, env=env) if info is None: # ignore if for some reason we can't query return None for item in ["implementation", "architecture", "version_info"]: found = getattr(info, item) searched = getattr(self, item) if found != searched: if item == "version_info": found, searched = ".".join(str(i) for i in found), ".".join(str(i) for i in searched) executable = info.executable logging.debug("refused interpreter %s because %s differs %s != %s", executable, item, found, searched) if exact is False: discovered.append(info) break else: return info return None @staticmethod def _select_most_likely(discovered: list[PythonInfo], target: PythonInfo) -> PythonInfo: # no exact match found, start relaxing our requirements then to facilitate system package upgrades that # could cause this (when using copy strategy of the host python) def sort_by(info: PythonInfo) -> int: # we need to set up some priority of traits, this is as follows: # implementation, major, minor, micro, architecture, tag, serial matches = [ info.implementation == target.implementation, info.version_info.major == target.version_info.major, info.version_info.minor == target.version_info.minor, info.architecture == target.architecture, info.version_info.micro == target.version_info.micro, info.version_info.releaselevel == target.version_info.releaselevel, info.version_info.serial == target.version_info.serial, ] return sum((1 << pos if match else 0) for pos, match in enumerate(reversed(matches))) sorted_discovered = sorted(discovered, key=sort_by, reverse=True) # sort by priority in decreasing order return sorted_discovered[0] def _find_possible_folders(self, inside_folder: str) -> list[str]: candidate_folder: OrderedDict[str, None] = OrderedDict() executables: OrderedDict[str, None] = OrderedDict() assert self.executable is not None # noqa: S101 executables[os.path.realpath(self.executable)] = None executables[self.executable] = None assert self.original_executable is not None # noqa: S101 executables[os.path.realpath(self.original_executable)] = None executables[self.original_executable] = None for exe in executables: base = os.path.dirname(exe) # noqa: PTH120 # following path pattern of the current assert self.prefix is not None # noqa: S101 if base.startswith(self.prefix): relative = base[len(self.prefix) :] candidate_folder[f"{inside_folder}{relative}"] = None # or at root level candidate_folder[inside_folder] = None return [i for i in candidate_folder if os.path.exists(i)] # noqa: PTH110 def _find_possible_exe_names(self) -> list[str]: name_candidate: OrderedDict[str, None] = OrderedDict() for name in self._possible_base(): for at in (3, 2, 1, 0): version = ".".join(str(i) for i in self.version_info[:at]) for arch in [f"-{self.architecture}", ""]: for ext in EXTENSIONS: candidate = f"{name}{version}{arch}{ext}" name_candidate[candidate] = None return list(name_candidate.keys()) def _possible_base(self) -> Iterator[str]: possible_base: OrderedDict[str, None] = OrderedDict() assert self.executable is not None # noqa: S101 basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.executable))[0].rstrip(digits) # noqa: PTH119, PTH122 possible_base[basename] = None possible_base[self.implementation] = None # python is always the final option as in practice is used by multiple implementation as exe name if "python" in possible_base: del possible_base["python"] possible_base["python"] = None for base in possible_base: lower = base.lower() yield lower if fs_is_case_sensitive(): if base != lower: yield base upper = base.upper() if upper != base: yield upper
_COOKIE_LENGTH: int = 32 def _gen_cookie() -> str: return "".join(choice(f"{ascii_lowercase}{ascii_uppercase}{digits}") for _ in range(_COOKIE_LENGTH)) # noqa: S311 def _run_subprocess(cls: type[PythonInfo], exe: str, env: MutableMapping[str, str]) -> PythonInfo | RuntimeError: py_info_script = Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parent / "" # noqa: PTH100 # Cookies allow splitting the serialized stdout output generated by the script collecting the info from the output # generated by something else. # The right way to deal with it is to create an anonymous pipe and pass its descriptor to the child and output to # it. # However, AFAIK all of them are either not cross-platform or too big to implement and are not in the stdlib; so the # easiest and the shortest way I could mind is just using the cookies. # We generate pseudorandom cookies because it is easy to implement and avoids breakage from outputting modules # source code, i.e., by debug output libraries. # We reverse the cookies to avoid breakages resulting from variable values appearing in debug output. start_cookie = _gen_cookie() end_cookie = _gen_cookie() cmd = [exe, str(py_info_script), start_cookie, end_cookie] # prevent sys.prefix from leaking into the child process - see env = copy.copy(env) env.pop("__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__", None) logging.debug("get interpreter info via cmd: %s", LogCmd(cmd)) try: process = Popen( cmd, # noqa: S603 universal_newlines=True, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, env=env, encoding="utf-8", ) out, err = process.communicate() code = process.returncode except OSError as os_error: out, err, code = "", os_error.strerror, os_error.errno if code == 0: out_starts = out.find(start_cookie[::-1]) if out_starts > -1: pre_cookie = out[:out_starts] if pre_cookie: sys.stdout.write(pre_cookie) out = out[out_starts + _COOKIE_LENGTH :] out_ends = out.find(end_cookie[::-1]) if out_ends > -1: post_cookie = out[out_ends + _COOKIE_LENGTH :] if post_cookie: sys.stdout.write(post_cookie) out = out[:out_ends] result = cls._from_json(out) result.executable = exe # keep the original executable as this may contain initialization code return result msg = f"{exe} with code {code}{f' out: {out!r}' if out else ''}{f' err: {err!r}' if err else ''}" return RuntimeError(f"failed to query {msg}") class LogCmd: def __init__(self, cmd: list[str], env: Mapping[str, str] | None = None) -> None: self.cmd = cmd self.env = env def __repr__(self) -> str: cmd_repr = " ".join(quote(str(c)) for c in self.cmd) if self.env is not None: cmd_repr = f"{cmd_repr} env of {self.env!r}" return cmd_repr __all__ = [ "PythonInfo", "VersionInfo", "fs_is_case_sensitive", "EXTENSIONS", ] def _run() -> None: """Dump a JSON representation of the current python.""" argv = sys.argv[1:] if len(argv) >= 1: start_cookie = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] else: start_cookie = "" if len(argv) >= 1: end_cookie = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] else: end_cookie = "" sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + argv info = PythonInfo()._to_json() # noqa: SLF001 sys.stdout.write("".join((start_cookie[::-1], info, end_cookie[::-1]))) if __name__ == "__main__": _run()